Tauākī Tūmataiti
Privacy statement
We are currently updating our privacy statement as a part of moving to the new Te Kawa Mataaho Digital Platform. If you have any questions email recordsmanagement@publicservice.govt.nz
We anticipate our updated statement will be available on the website shortly.
You may browse and access information within this website without providing any personal information. Some pages are password protected and may require permission to access them.
Where you voluntarily provide personal information (for example, through online forms or email requests), we will use that information only for the purpose for which you provide it.
LDC will hold all information you provide in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020. The Privacy Act regulates us through Information Privacy Principles as to how we collect, use, hold, access, correct, manage and dispose of personal information.
If you visit this website to read or download information, LDC collects and stores the following information:
- your service address
- your top level domain name
- the date and time of your visit to the site
- the pages you accessed and the documents you downloaded
- the type of browser you used.
The information collected is used to create summary statistics which allow LDC to assess the number of visitors to different sections of the website, identify what information is of most and least interest, monitor system performance, and help us make our site more useful to visitors. Information collected is not passed to any third party.
For more information please refer to the Privacy Act.
To view any personal information held by us, or if you have any concerns about personal information that we hold and wish to request its correction, please write to:
The Privacy Officer
Leadership Development Centre
Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission
PO Box 329
Wellington 6140