Puna Rauemi Ratonga Tūmatanui
Public Service Core Learning Hub
Here you can access high-quality, equitable learning created for public servants of all levels. We have organised learning into two categories: core capability and system capability.
Core capability learning supports the Public Service Act and aims to build the key skills, capability and knowledge on those things unique to being a public servant in our Aotearoa New Zealand context.
System capability learning has been shared by functional leads, system leads or heads of profession. This learning includes common capabilities required across the Public Service system that are relevant for a large target audience, on broad topics such as finance, policy or Māori Crown relationships.
Click on the tiles below to get started.
Contributing learning
If you are a functional lead, system lead or head of profession and want to share system capability learning we would be keen to see how we can work together to support you. Email us at corecapability@publicservice.govt.nz or read our Public Service Core Learning Hub - Learning content strategy that includes the criteria for content hosting and our terms and conditions.
Public Service Core Learning Hub – Learning content strategy [PDF, 1.1 MB]

Core Capability

Public Sector Induction