Ngā arawātea mō ngā kaiārahi o āpōpō
Aspiring leader opportunities
Aspiring Leaders Learning Hub
Our Hub is aimed at those who are aspiring to become a leader and are not yet in a formal leadership role. This self-paced learning is available free to staff who belong to one of our member agencies, you just need to create an LDC login.
The Aspiring Leaders Learning Hub introduces the essentials of effective leadership to equip you with the knowledge, mindset and skills you need to lead from where you are within your organisation.
Te ara ki Matangireia
Te ara ki Matangireia, is a 10-month emerging leadership programme grounded in te ao Māori that supports early in career Māori with the skills and confidence to step into leadership and governance roles of the future. The programme includes four 3-day wānanga hosted around the country and mentoring with a senior leader in the Public Service.
Public Service Pacific Mentoring Programme
Delivered in partnership with Ministry for Pacific Peoples, this 9-month programme matches senior Pacific leaders in the Public Service with Pacific public servants. It is a blended programme consisting of one on one mentoring, five virtual workshops and reflective journaling.

Aspiring Leaders Learning Hub

Te Ara ki Matangireia