This section focuses on the Public Sector system and Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission.

Ki te kore ngā pūtake e mākūkūngia e kore te rākau e tupu. | If the roots of the tree are not watered, the tree will not grow.


Nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào méi (Hello, my name is Mei). I think that you are about as new to the Public Sector as I am. I started in my first Public Sector role two months ago. I’ve always worked in the private sector until now and I really didn’t think there would be much difference. I’ve been working in communications for 15 years, so it wasn’t like it was new to me. 

Although most of the work is quite similar, being in the Public Sector is quite different to working in the private sector. Within the first couple of weeks of starting my new job my team mates took me along to a Community of Practice meeting. I’m not sure what I was expecting but there were people from communication roles in all sorts of different government agencies and they were all sharing their work and ideas on how to support each other – it was quite cool! 

One of my team told me this is quite common and although there are lots of different individual government agencies, they are all part of one bigger Public Sector system. I learnt about Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission and the role it plays in supporting this system. Why don’t we go through the learning together. 


Check out the next section:



This interactive guide will help you understand the role that Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission plays in supporting the Public Service and will identify some of the key legislation that sits across the whole Public Sector.  An accessible version of this guide is available: Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission [PDF, 547 KB]

Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission and the Public Sector (this link opens in a new tab)



In this live virtual session, you will have a chance to meet the Public Service Commissioner.  You will be able to ask questions about how the Public Service works and hear about our current context and some of the key principles that support us as a system.  These fireside chats will be delivered via MS Teams and will run regularly. To register your interest in attending a session, complete this form.

A Fireside Chat with the Public Service Commissioner