This content has been produced by the Ministry for Ethnic Communities | Te Tari Mātāwaka, with support from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Hīkina Whakatutuki, Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People, The Department of Internal Affairs | Te Tari Taiwhenua, and industry and academic experts from across New Zealand and Australia.


Aotearoa New Zealand is a diverse country with over 200 different ethnicities.

The Ministry for Ethnic Communities has developed this introductory e- learning programme to help increase everyone’s cultural understanding to better interact or communicate with people from different backgrounds.



Introduction to inter-cultural capability

This e- learning is made up of 4 modules.

 Each of the modules focus on:

  • understanding what culture is
  • how culture impacts on communication and behaviour
  • providing tools and methods for improving people’s ability to communicate effectively across cultures.

This learning is interactive, self-directed and self-paced, meaning you can move through it as quickly or slowly as you like

Each of the modules build upon the previous one. We recommend you do the modules in order and then let us know what you think by filling in the survey after Module four.

Introduction to Inter-Cultural Capability (this link opens in a new tab)

Interpreting services in the New Zealand Public Sector

This is a general course that focuses on the key aspects of understanding the role of interpreters and accessing and working through interpreters to ensure effective communication. This course does not cover context-specific settings like healthcare or courtrooms.

Module 1: Understanding interpreting (this link opens in a new tab)

Module 2: How public servants can access interpreting services (this link opens in a new tab)

Module 3: How to communicate effectively using an interpreter (this link opens in a new tab)