Te mahere whanaketanga takitahi: te whakawhanake i ngā hoa mahi
Individual development plan: developing others
Taking time to discuss your direct report’s professional needs or aspirations for growth with the use of an IDP can help them reach short and long-term career goals, as well as improve current job performance.
Using an individual development plan:
- supports gaining clarity of career development goals
- helps create an individually tailored action plan for developing specific competencies (and any knowledge and skills) that will improve a direct report’s performance.
This toolkit will help you, as a manager to:
- understand your role in helping your people create their IDP
- provide your people with templates to get them started
- clarify the aspirations of your direct reports and how you might best invest in their development
- get some tips for the kinds of conversations you should be having with your people.
Are you looking for a toolkit that supports you to create your own IDP? Check out our toolkit: Individual development plan: develop self
You will need to be logged in to view all the toolkit content below as it is limited to members only.