What advice can you give to new leaders? transcript
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Blue screen appears with text: What advice can you give to new leaders?
Text appears at bottom left of screen: Brenda Ratcliffe LDC coach and facilitator mindmeldcoaching.com
Brenda: Well here's my one piece of best advice for new leaders and that's to spend some time thinking about what time of day are you at your best. When you're in that state of flow and in your place of maximum creativity where ideas come and you're generating options and you think, yes I'm nailing this.
And, I suggest that leaders think about what time of day that is. Is it in the morning, where you're at your best or is it early afternoon or is it in the evening? And when leaders get very clear on what time of the day that is then ring-fence it and protect it and don't let people put meetings in it or use it to answer emails or do other people's things. This is the time that you need to protect so that you can step into your leadership space and do the creative thinking so that you can work on the business so it can achieve goals. That's my best piece of advice - work out when is your golden time and protect it.