Sarah Tocker
Phone: 021 793 930
Location: Wellington
Face to face delivery:
Locations without disbursements: Te Whanganui-a-Tara / Wellington
Locations with disbursements: Aotearoa / New Zealand
Virtual delivery: Zoom and Teams
Sarah has been working as a coach and facilitator for 15 years. She’s held senior leadership roles and has a background in leadership development, systems leadership, culture and change.
Sarah’s coaching style is focused on supporting people to create lasting improvements, personally and organisationally. She understands the complexities of the public sector and how adaptive leaders need to be, to be effective.
Sarah uses a practical approach in her coaching, helping people to move from insight to action in ways that are designed by and appropriate for themselves. She believes that leadership requires courage and supports leaders to find ways to be courageous with themselves.
Sarah is Tangata Tiriti, preferring to coach people who are keen to explore new and different perspectives. She takes a tailored approach to coaching so the process suits the person/people involved.
Sarah has accreditation as an Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership (IECL) Team Coach, Leadership Circle Profile, Coaching Habit and Immunity to Change.
Areas of specific leadership coaching expertise:
- Navigating change
- Pair and team coaching
- Complex systems navigation